Gestion des incidents Etat des lieux Entretien et remise en état

Posts Tagged With incident

Managing Repairs Before, During, and After an Event

Managing Repairs Before, During, and After an Event

Leaving Nothing to Chance  Running a large event generally involves renting out services and infrastructures to many different exhibitors. Keeping track of all of your assets can often be a headache. ETickets will help you to:   Keep a detailed list of all your property that has been rented out: Who? What? When? Where? Keeping track of where everything is at all times is essential to...
Smarter Incident Management

Smarter Incident Management

Leaving Nothing to Chance  Running a large event generally involves renting out services and infrastructures to many different exhibitors. Keeping track of all of your assets can often be a headache. ETickets will help you to:   Keep a detailed list of all your property that has been rented out: Who? What? When? Where? Keeping track of where everything is at all times is essential to...
Gestion des incidents

Gestion des incidents

Le module de Gestion des incidents offre la possibilité de générer des ordres d’intervention vers des partenaires. Pour des gestionnaires d’infrastructure: Ce module permet le suivi de tous les tickets d’incidents ouverts lors des états des lieux jusqu’à leur résolution par les prestataires en charge de la remise en état. Ce module assure ainsi une visibilité à un instant...