Smarter Incident Management

Leaving Nothing to Chance 

Running a large event generally involves renting out services and infrastructures to many different exhibitors. Keeping track of all of your assets can often be a headache. ETickets will help you to:


  • Keep a detailed list of all your property that has been rented out: Who? What? When? Where? Keeping track of where everything is at all times is essential to cutting unneccessary costs. E-tickets helps you manage everything you rent out by creating an inventory of fixtures when you deliver and a second when your customer leaves. 
  • Take dated pictures of your equipment or infrastructures before renting them out to customers. Have the picture to back it up when a customer tells you that scratch was already there.
  • Share your information. Generate and send out a detailed PDF report immediately after creating a new inventory of fixtures.
  • Reduce delays in payment due to customers contesting damages. No more arguing over who did what. Get your money quicker.
  • Cut down on your out of pocket repair costs. Keep your money. Stop paying for others’ damages.
  • Send your customers the bill…all right from your mobile device. It really is that simple.



With ETicket’s easy-to-use interface, you can:

  • Create and manage incident tickets using a platform shared by your entire team
  • Decentralize and ease the creation of tickets
  • Keep track of all tickets created and serviced
  • Save yourself time and energy


All of this can be easily managed right from your iPad or your PC!


For more information, visit us at

La société

Egylis est une start-up française basée à Paris. Elle est née d'une rencontre sur une vision commune de l'avenir de l'informatique et de la mobilité. Egylis est avant tout une équipe qui rassemble des individualités fortes et originales, ayant des parcours et des expériences extrêmement différentes. Leur caractéristique commune : un fort goût pour l'innovation, l'esprit d'équipe et d'entreprise.

Contactez nous

83 bis rue de l’Abbé Groult
75015 Paris
Téléphone : + 33 1 43 36 13 41
Pour nous contacter par email, cliquez-ici